本企画の始動は、北米最大級のアニメイベント「Anime Expo 2018」で発表された。イベントにはレジェンダリー・エンタテインメントのケイル・ボイター氏、バンダイナムコホールディングス代表取締役社長の田口三昭氏、サンライズ代表取締役社長の宮河恭夫氏らが出席。キャストやストーリーなどの詳細は現段階では明らかになっていない。
「機 動戦士ガンダム」シリーズは、1979年にテレビアニメが放送開始となり、来年で40周年を迎える。テレビアニメのほか、劇場アニメ、玩具、コミカライズ など、さまざまなメディアミックス展開がされているが、実写映画化は初となる。また18年にはレジェンダリー製作の「パシフィック・リム アップライジング」、スティーブン・スピルバーグ監督作「レディ・プレイヤー1」にガンダムが登場し、世界で注目を集めたことは記憶に新しい。
Gundam was first broadcast in 1979. This is the first anime who featured more realistic robot design, very different from Tetsujin 2 8 , Giant Robot (which had a live-action), Astro Ganger , マグマ大使 Goldar (which had a live-action) , Mazinger , Grendizer, Getter Robo, Combattler , Gaiking , Daltanius, Godam, Blocker Gundam Machine Blaster , etc.
A live-action Gundam movie is in the works.
Legendary Entertainment will co-produce a feature based on the the popular anime from the Japanese animation studio Sunrise. The announcement was made Thursday at the 2018 Anime Expo, which is taking place in Los Angeles.
The original Gundam series, which began in 1979, is set in the Universal Century, an era in which people have emigrated to space colonies because of a growing population on Earth. Eventually, the people living in the colonies seek their autonomy, and launch a war of independence against the people on Earth. Battles are fought by piloting robots known as mobile suits.
The massively popular series has led to multibillion-dollar sales in merchandise and licensing, including animated films, video games, plastic models, toys, and books. (Gundam had a cameo in Steven Spielberg's pop-culture-obsessed Ready Player One.)
The Gundam movie will be overseen by Cale Boyter on behalf of Legendary with the Sunrise creative team.
Legendary, which will next release the Dwayne Johnson action-thriller Skyscraper, is also behind another live-action movie based on a wildly popular Japanese animated series, Pokemon. The studio has wrapped filming on Detective Pikachu, which stars Ryan Reynolds and Justice Smith.
..well, I hope I don't get disappointments from the design of this live action Gundam.
, UNLESS they are using this!

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