Unfortunately, Ultraman becomes the tool for selling toys , much like for Kamen Rider and Sentai, ...........
Actress 山本 千尋 (Yamamoto Chihiro) is using a Chinese sword in the opening song (1:38), and she looks like she knows how to use one , judging from the style, it is very Chinese. I just found out that she has been practicing 太極拳 (Taichi , or Tai Kyoku Ken in Japanese) since 3 years old. She also practices 槍術 (sou jutsu, spear fighting) and 長拳 (chouken). Impressive!!
看 山本 千尋 在歌中演中國劍術有中式影子, 查查原來她 3 歲巳學太極拳, 又懂槍術, 長拳.... 是武當派弟子! : )
山本 千尋 (Yamamoto Chihiro) official site:
I personally have great interests in Japanese sword making, a great piece of art if not the sharpest weapons.
在 Geed 第一集前奏, 超人王好似將被 Belial 宇宙炸蛋毀滅的地球與宇宙回復原形, 比在漫畫中救回全族超人; 一兩秒將 Belial 封印, 宇宙大魔王 Jackal 放入黑洞更厲害!
Geed 個媽咪是誰?? 怎會與 Belial 生仔?
In the opening , it looks like Belial has detonated some kind of bomb that destroys Earth as well as the whole universe , but Ultraman King "reverses" the event and restores the universe . So what happens to the other ultramen and Belial, revived too? Who is Belial's wife? Is she nut , marrying psycho Belial?? Or maybe she is another Belial type of ultra woman?