This is a song written and sung by Murashita Kouzou and released in 1983. He had many nice songs and was very productive during his active years; unfortunately , Murashita san passed away on 20 th June, 1999 due to brain hemorrhage.
村下先生死後 14 年, 在故鄉熊本県水俣市的商店街建立了「初恋」的歌碑, 而商店街又在 2014 年6月正式改名為初恋街.
14 years after the passing of Murashita san, a memorial plaque with an inscription "First Love" was built at the Shopping Street in his home town Minamata shi and the street is officially renamed as the "First Love Street" in June of 2014.
初恋通り . 初恋街. First Love Street.
水俣市, 熊本県 Minamata shi, Kumamoto Ken , a small city with an estimated population of 24,786 (as of May, 2017).
水俣市中心部、 エムズシティより市役所・新水俣駅方面。 Minamata city center.
Please forgive my singing , it is just a nice song.
Another karaoke cover of Murashita Kouzou's work.
踊り子 (村下孝蔵) カラオケ カバー ver. 1 DANCER (MURASHITA KOUZOU) KARAOKE COVER