超合金魂 GX-41S 勇者ライディーン DX FADE-IN set
神面岩 and ライディーン神像、スパーカー、DX版のみの追加武装の豪華set が付属. ブルーガー、ディスプレイスタンドが付属

The lower legs look a bit skinny. Non DX version comes without the statue.
超合金魂 GX-41S 勇者ライディーン DX FADE-IN set
神面岩 and ライディーン神像、スパーカー、DX版のみの追加武装の豪華set が付属. ブルーガー、ディスプレイスタンドが付属
The lower legs look a bit skinny. Non DX version comes without the statue.
Jan, 2008
Sideshow Predator Mask, about 300US
Sideshow 12" Luke Skywalker , StarWars IV pre-order
Sideshow 12" Yavin Luke Skywalker - 30th Anniversary Exclusive, about 55US
US 16th President Abraham Lincoln, 12"
魂SPEC XS-07 ブラックサレナ , Bandai, 8406円
クローズ×WORST BLACK LIST SPINOFF コレクションNo.4 阪東秀人2nd , Organic, 1050円
装着変身 仮面ライダーキバ kiba form, Bandai, 2,310
RAH220-54 DX 仮面ライダーアマゾン, Bandai, 10,290円
超合金魂 GX-41S 勇者ライディーン DX Fade-In Set, 15,540円
Sunlight, carbon dioxide and water, what can they do? Someone at the Sandia National Laboratories is building a fuel synthesizer using the above A fuel generator consists of a stack of counter-rotating iron rings. Sunlight provides the heat to make water into steam which is introduced into the iron ring structure. The iron grabs the oxygen from water to form iron oxide and leaves behind hydrogen. Hydrogen can be combined with carbon monoxide to give you the fuel (gasoline, propane, methane are just different types of hydrocarbon bondings).
Where do you get carbon monoxide?? From the same structure described above, take away one of the oxygen O from carbon dioxide, CO2 (one of our major green house gases)
Like in Gundam 00, the humans are using solar power which lasts much longer than fossil fuel though I still don't understand how that solar power collector works in Gundam 00. You mean there is a big "long stick" coming out from planet Earth and rotates with it???