FAMILY GUY - 一套北美洲好 POPULAR 的成人 CARTOON.以下片斷講主人翁 PETER 去看醫生做身體檢驗.片斷1Peter's 妻子
Lois 以為 Peter有重病, 會死. 醫生對她說:" He is fine, he is just really fat!"
Lois 說:" thanks god!" ( 好笑, Lois has no problem with Peter being fat )
Peter 說:"hang on a second, did you say I was fat??"
醫生 說:" Yeah, you are pretty fat..."
Peter 說:" hmmm, ok, this is news to me...."
Peter 覺得這是 "新聞"; obviously , everyone knows he is fat except himself......
笑死我!!Lios 以為 PETER 有癌症 (cancer), 其實醫生無厘頭問 Peter , are you Cancer?? Cancer 巨蟹座. Basically , the doctor is saying anything BUT Peter's health..... from expiration of (not his life) but his driver license to how to pronounce Kim Basinger (or Ba sin ger) a famous actress. So funny.