This has to be the most excited episode so far in this series, even better than those with so called "fights".
Upon learning who the "pink shirt" midget is , everyone is shocked.
I have never seen Beerus and Champa standing so straight and respectful to.......
The master of all 12 Universe(s) Zen Ou 全王 (The King of All).
全王:う~ん.........う~ん .........う~ん.........う~ん.........う~ん.........う~ん.........
/ 王 \
/ Χ \
/ 王 \
Zen Ou comes to remind them to be careful not to do things (contest) without permission.
All Kai Ou s (界王、界王神 ) have never kissed the floor so closely.
Even everyone bows before the Zen Ou, everyone is still taller than him.
The two Gods of Creation (創造神) bad-mouth their God of Destructions counterparts before Zen Ou.
Beerus : Lazy , just eats and sleeps.
Champa : No regard to his diet/health. As a result, this is the body you see.
I just realise that Champa is so fat that his tail looks like an eggplant.
全王 「う~ん。破壊神変えちゃおうかな?」
Zen Ou says Champa and Beerus should be replaced. Of course , he (she) is joking but scare the hell out of them.
This is the facial expression being seen on Gods of Destruction a lot lately .
Zen Ou wants to see a fight contest of fighters from all 12 Universe(s).
Of course, Gokuu is excited.
As usual, Gokuu makes friends with everyone , including the Ultimate boss of the all Universe(s). Zen Ou finds Gokuu interesting.
With how things are going in this series, Zen Ou might not even be the ultimate boss.
Is Zen Ou a he or a she, or both?? A Hermaphrodite ??
Even the great Zen Ou still relies on others for "transportation"~~
Those two guards are his (her) chauffeurs
After Zen Ou is gone, everyone is relieved and Beerus says to Gokuu that Zen Ou can destroy all 12 universe all at once.
With Beerus winning the contest, Champa reluctantly gives his brother all his "balls".
But wait, where is the seventh one??
With Bulma's Super Dragonball radar , Android 18 points out that the radar detects 7 Super Dragonballs, but they can't see the seventh one.
It was モナカ Monaka who works with galactic map all the time and gives a hint to Whis so that Whis figures out where the seventh Super Dragonball is.
The planet on which the fighting contest was held is in fact , the seventh Super Dragonball.
The fourth one , I guess this is the most important one being the one in the middle of the numbering sequence? 1 ,2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ?
I think this is Beerus's best face.
With Whis chanted the summon of the Super Dragon on Beerus 's behalf, the Super Dragon appears.
Like everything else in the series , all "scaled" up and SUPERSIZED!
Super Dragon's mouth is bigger than a planet.
Looks like Gyaos (ギャオス ) from Gamera.
... and a body larger than galaxies.
This would be the largest S.H. Figuarts with Zen Ou the smallest S.H. Figuarts if Bandai decides to release them.
A much more scaled down essense version of the Super Dragon before Whis and his companies as they entered the inside of the Super Dragon.
Whis makes the wish for Beerus.
Beerus is so inept or lazy to make his own wish??
The wish is made and fullfilled.....
.... but what is the wish??
Another pair of lady underwear made by you-know-who sometimes ago??
Beerus keeps his wish a secret.
Beerus's wish is to revive the 6 th Universe's Earth and her humans. The 6 th Universe's Earth has the same culture as the 7 th Universe's . Now Champa can sample the same tasty cuisine as his brother Beerus.
Despite of his looks , Beerus is a closeted "kind" God Of Destruction, 優しい破壊神 and a good brother to Champa.
(Champa could have made the wish himself after he gathered all 7 Super Dragonballs, then again, the story wouldn't have an touching end~~~).
I have to say Beerus is my most-liked character design in this series. At least , there is some creative thoughts in the design. His personality also fascinates me.
Of course, due to his God of Destruction 's pride , even after what Beerus did for Champa, Champa still finds Beerus irirtating.
モナカ Monaka looks like a mover working for some galactic moving company, probably with a better service record than UPS : )
His job is to get Gokuu all bumped up and climax him up to achieve higher power to satisfy Beerus's thirst for challenges.
I suggest getting a new hair dye for Gokuu, easier! White?? Purple??
Monaka is rewarded with all these ??
Where did Beerus get all these treasures?? Beerus is also a part-time pirate??
Monaka is crying as he is instructed to continue his work as the "motivator" for Gokuu.
次回. Next episode.
Looks like Monaka is not simply a punching bag, he indeed hides his power??
Did Monaka grow a few inches!?
Beerus is shocked because Monaka attends the party or he hides his power??
I love the life in Dragonball, eat, sleep, fight and party! You don't even have to drive , everyone flies!
Does Monaka change colour when he powers up?? Purple??
Lesson to be learnt in this episode:
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Look at Zen Ou, who would have thought he was the ultimate boss with a high pitch voice!?
Judging from his belt , looks like Mr. Satan (Hercule) is training Monaka!