I guess not many are interested in these games, seems to have the lowest number of readers.
GAME LINK : http://www.mildescape.com/escape96.html
Use FUNCTION to save game. 按 FUNCTION , save 去貯存 game.
Enjoy the music.
Get the umbrella from the umbrella stand.
Looks like there is something at the bottom of the umbrella stand and requires something long to get it.
Get the ball with a Zodiac sign.
Get another ball from under the table.
Get the hook device from desk.
Remove the base.
Attach it to the umbrella.
Use it to reach the plant at the ceiling.
Get the bowl-shaped attachment.
Remove hook from umbrella and attach the bowl-shaped device.
Use it to get the ball at the bottom of the umbrella stand.
Back to the computer desk.
Bottom left drawer.
Bronze medal
似次序 : 金 , 銀, 銅牌.
You put the balls here (second left drawer) , we need 6 balls.
須要 6 個有星座圖案的波.
Pay attention to the birds' positions on the computer monitor.
Click on the books.
Note the sequence of the symbols.
Get anopther ball from the bottom tray.
Get a note pad from the middle tray.
There is a device with a ★ in the middle right drawer.
Note the orientation of the ★ .
留意 ★ 位置.
Looks like youn have to insert a CD.
There is also a ★ under the plant on the table .
Notice the ★ orientation.
Notice the N (North ?? ) orientation.
留意 ★ 的位置.
N - 北邊.
There is a ★ on the guitar too.
At the back of the guitar, there is NEW SEE.
Hint: Do not treat them as words but as alphabets.
What are N E W S E E ?
結他後有 NEW SEE.
提示: 不要當是英文字, 看作字母.
N 是代表??
W 是代表??
N- North 北 ; E - East 東........etc.
Using the hint on the coffee table (orientation of the ★ , and where North is) and the sequence of NEW SEE at the back of the guitar, you find the sequence of the button to be pressed on this box in the second right drawer of the desk.
以 咖啡枱上的 ★位置和 N (北) 的位置作提示; 以 NEW SEE (北東西南東東) 這次序按匙.
Get the gold Happy Coin.
Get another ball from the shopping bag.
Pay attention to those shapes at the corners of the display shelf.
Use the hint you find in the books on the desk, and the hint provided by the positions of the shapes on the shelf. You get the sequence in which you click the corners of the painting.
Get the ♠ key.
Use the ♠ key at the top left drawer of the desk.
Get the pencil.
Use it on the notepad.
A sequence of symbols are revealed.
Get another ball from the right red cabinet.
Now we have all 6 balls . Put them in the sequence according to the symbol sequence on the notepad.
Get CD.
Put CD into CD player.
Note the numbers on the computer screen.
6756124035 - 2056
A simple subtraction?? Not quite.
Hint : what is subtraction in English?
Simple, subtract means "take away from" , so take away 2056 from those sequence of numbers. Only 7 1 4 3 remained.
減意思就是去除, 將 2056 在6756124035 中除去後, 得 7143!
Use 7143 at the hippo.
Get the ♣ key.
Remove CD from computer.
Use the hint on the computer screen. Three birds left , middle and right bird!
電腦映幕有左 , 中 , 右三鳥.
Use the ♣ key at the left cabinet.
Get the screwdriver.
Use the screwdriver in the middle cabinet.
Get the silver Happy Coin.
Use the hint on the computer screen. There are three birds left , middle and right bird! Use this sequence on the top / bottom rows of ■ .
電腦映幕有左 , 中 , 右三鳥. 用這次序按上下■ .
Get the ♦ key.
Use the ♦ key at the top right drawer.
Get the bronze coin.
Use the hint in the bottom left cabinet. Gold Medal , Silver Medal and Bronze Medal.
用 computer desk 左下櫃內的提示.
金, 銀, 銅 牌.
Get the final ♥ key.
BGS , simple this time , it is Bronze , Gold and Silver.
BGS , 今次是銅, 金, 銀.
Put the Happy Coins in this sequence : Bronze, Gold , Silver.
Remove the Gold Happy Coin and place the CD in its place. Place the Gold Happy Coin in the green "gold" tray.
移開金 Happy Coin, 放上 CD 代替, 再在綠色碟上放 金 Happy Coin.
Get the Escape Happy Coin.
Select the ♥ key, click on door and ESCAPE!