It has been sometime (6 months??) since Tesshi published a game, I was expecting a new one before Christmas but this time , he published this new game on the 28th December, 2014.
This game is very easy.
To play game , click here.
A book shelf (left of Santa's picture).
Note the page number with the content on each page.
E.g. Page 2 has a - (minus) sign.
Note the direction at which each Santa's face is facing.
The first (left-most)) Santa is looking up to the right (up, right)
The last (right-most) Santa is looking down to the right (down, right).......etc
From left to right, use the sequence of direction at which each the Santa's face is looking at to click on the corners of the Santa picture.
Get kettle.
Note 428 on wooden hippo.
From the book,
page 4 has 7155
page 2 has the - sign
page 8 has 2014
so 428 is 7155 - 2014 = ????
428 is 7155 - 2014 = 5141 , use this at wooden hippo at window.
Get battery from hippo.
At the window, there is a 7 underneath the first plant (left-most).
Get Happy Coin 1 from under of the middle plant.
Get Happy Coin 2 from under the pillow.
Get robot from under the bed.
Insert the battery inside the back of the robot.
Go up to the shelf on the wall above the bed.
Get Happy Coin 3.
Place the robot on the shelf and let it push the green ball down.
Find the green ball near the left of the stove.
Open the ball and get the matches.
Note the square pattern on the match box.
Use the green square pattern on the bottom drawer . Click on the square to make it light up to green.
Open bottom drawer.
Get the newspaper.
Also, get Happy Coin 4.
Above the bed, there are three Santa faces.
Notice the E in the middle Santa face.
Click on each Santa face to turn it until the face can no longer be turned.
Notice the E becomes a 3 after the Santa face is tunred.
Notice the direction of WHITE PART of each Santa's hat.
Put coffee into the mug??
Get the coffee mug from the bird device.
Get Happy Coin 5 from under the mug.
Goto the wine cabinet.
Note the 5 on the right-most wine bottle.
Now we have:
7 (under the left-most plant at window)
3 (on the middle Santa face , above bed)
5 (on the right-most wine bottle inside the wine cabinet)
Use 735 to open the bedside drawer .
Get screwdriver.
Use screwdriver to open the wooden panel under the bookshelf (left of Santa picture).
Get the logs.
Don't forget to get Happy Coin 6 from behind the wooden panel.
Also get the ♠ key from the secret compartment from which you get the logs.
Goto the wine cabinet, and use the Spade key to open the left drawer.
Get the coffee filter and......
....Happy Coin 7.
Put the coffee pot on the stove , log and newspaper (in this order) inside the stove.
Use matches to light the newspaper.
The word HOT appears.
Goto the middle drawer.
Use H O T to open the box inside the middle drawer.
Get the ♣ key.
Use the ♣ key at the right drawer of the wine cabinet.
Get the coffee filter holder.
Insert coffee filter.
Goto the top drawer.
Turn each knob according to the position of the white part of each Santa's hat.
Open drawer and get a can of coffee beans.
Put coffee beans into the grinder.
Get coffee powder from the drawer at the bottom of the grinder.
Get Happy Coin 8 from the coffee bean container.
Put coffee filter holder (with grind coffee) on top of the coffee pot (left of coffee grinder).
By this time, the water inside the kettle is ready. Get the kettle from the top of stove.
Pour hot water into the coffee powder.
7153 appears on the coffee pot.
Use 7153 at the bottom cupboard of the wine cabinet.
Get the bag.
Get Happy Coin 9 from the back of the bag.
Select the coffee mug and click on the coffee pot.
Now hot coffee is in the coffee mug.
Put the coffee mug onto the middle stand of the bird device (right of bed).
Get Happy Coin 10.
Insert all 10 Happy Coins into the purple bird device inside the wine cabinet.
Get the ♥ key.
SAVE GAME NOW (if you have not done so already)
Use the ♥ key at the door and escape!
At the end , you see three items on the bed.
Click any one of them.
After an item appears, reload page and select LOAD GAME.
Use ♥ key at the door to escape and wait until you see the bed (with three items) again, this time select a different item.
Repeat reloading the game until you have seen all three items.
From left to right:
A bottle of wine.
A box of coins.
A key necklace.
I think this is the end unless Tesshi has come up with some new trick - another hidden coin ???
I hope he will publish a more challenging one next time, the whole point of playing this type of game.