メディック Medic Roimude 009 dies.....
Actress 馬場ふみか 1995.6.21 新潟県出身 (Baba Fumika)
Kamen Rider Drive throws in everything he got to destroy Sigma シグマサーキュラー.
シグマサーキュラー is finally defeated, Drive and Heart Roimude save the World.
I guess 泊進ノ介 (Tomari Shinnosuke) meets Kamen Rider Ghost in his "dream"??
Isn't that Roimude 001 Freeze??
As for any new rider, effortlessly destroyed last rider's villains!
Tomari and Heart Roimude have their final duel. Unfortunately, Heart Roimude couldn't throw his last punch, his core was greatly damaged in the fight with Sigma.
ハート・ロイミュード Heart Roimude
Actor 蕨野友也 1987.8.4 宮崎県出身 (Orabino Tomoya)
The last Roimude disintegrated like others before him.
Belt san クリム・スタインベルト (Cream) says his final farewell. Actor for Cream is Chris Peppler a Japanese-American radio personality, born in Tokyo (1957).
All Drive's Tridron , belt , shift cars , Chaser's bike and Mach's bike and drive are to be sealed away in the underground until they are needed again. I guess they don't want to destroy them in case there is a future movie or appearance.
ハーレー・ヘンドリクソン (Professor Harley??), portrayed by actor 大月ウルフ(Ootsuki Wolf) , real name Ulf Georgii-Hemming born to German architect father and Japanese pianist mother ,born in Berlin ,Germany , nationality is Swedish.
Chase made a copy of himself before death??
Chase チェイス.
Actor 上遠野太洸 1992.10.27 宮城県出身 (Katoono Taikou)
Everyone got their promotion!
本願寺純 (Honganji Jun) beomes the new commissioner of the Police Force. Actor 片岡鶴太郎 1954.12.21 東京都出身 (Kataoka Tsurutarou)
沢神りんな (Sawagami Rinna) got her Noble Prize in Physics. Actresss
吉井 怜 1982.3.18 東京都出身 (Yoshii Rei )
追田現八郎 (Otta Genpachirou) takes over the First Division of the Polkice Department. Actor 井俣太良 1975.9.24 愛知県出身 (imata Taira)
西城 究 (Saijou Kyuu) becomes a famous novelistand networking expert
Actor 浜野謙太 1981.8.5 神奈川県出身 (Hamano Kenta)
詩島 剛 (Shijima Gou) becomes a famous photographer travelling around the world.
Actor 稲葉 友 1993.1.12 神奈川県出身 (Inaba Yuu)
泊進ノ介 (Tomari Shinosuke) . Actor 竹内涼真 1993.4.26 東京都出身 (Takeuchi Ryouma)
詩島霧子 (Shijima Kiriko).
Actress 内田理央 1991.9.27 東京都出身 (Uchida Rio)
Next episode is actually a special .
I really wish they could bring back Ishimori sensei (石森先生) 's style of Kamen Rider design. I don't think anyone can but at least try.
Final episode - A "ghost" case!