Open the right candle holder.
Get the grabber.
Open the left candle holder.
Note the ♥ and the number 64.
Get the gold coin 1.
Looks like something can be placed in the rectangular slot on the plate.
Note the letter behind each chair.
Note T , A , I , L.
On the other side of the dinner table . The letters behind the chairs are:
C , O , V , E
So the chair with the letter C is opposite to the chair with the letter L.
The chair the letter E is opposite to the chair with the letter T, etc.
Goto the wall cabinet behind the chair with the letter C.
Get gold coin 2.
Goto the wall cabinet behind the chair with the letter O.
Open it and there is a lever which can be set to + or - .
Get the purple object.
Goto the wall cabinet behind the chair with the letter T.
Notice the number 109.
Get gold coin 3 from under the left plant.
There is a ♠ 2 under the right plant.
Goto the armour statue left of the painting
Get the green object.
Goto the armor statue right of the painting.
Get gold coin 4.
Click on the painting to reveal this panel with the phrase " I LOVE CAT "
Where have we seen these alphabets??
Behin the chairs.
We have the following alphabet arrangement:
Click on the square blocks on the panels in the sequence of I , L , O , V , E , C ,A ,T .
Open the panel.
Get the red object.
Combine the green and red objects.
Goto the wall cabinet behind the chair with letter C.
Place the cross in the drawer. The green light comes on.
The wall cabinet opens.
Click on each button with increase the level on each bar, but at what level should each bar be set??
Get the iron rod with a pentagonal hole.
Goto the side of the dinner table with wine glasses.
Each wine glass has some purple wine in it.
Note the level of the wine within the glass (starting from the left glass).
Now set the level at each bar according to the wine level in each wine glass.
Open the cabinet and reveal the numbers 125 and 41.
Get the flashlight.
Note the ♣ 15 on the flashlight.
Also, get gold coin 5.
On the left of the door, there is a giant vase.
Use the flashlight and look inside the case.
There is a bird. Use the grabber to move the bird.
After moving the bird, you can see ♦ +1 at the bottom of the vase.
Now you have :
♥ 64
♠ 2
♣ 15
♦ +1
and can solve ♠♥♦♣ which is 2 64 +1 15 = 3 7 9.
Set 3 7 9 to open the cabinet.
Get the screwdriver.
Return to the painting.
Use the screwdriver to get the face plate.
Get gold coin 6.
Goto the end of the dinner table nearest to the painting.
Place the faceplate onto the rectangular slot on the plate.
Get gold coin 7.
Goto panel below the painting.
I only highlight each square to show the zodiac signs , do not click on any of the squares yet.
Using this to click on each square in the same sequence.
Each row represents the four squares on the panel.
Click on each square to make the symbol appear or disappear so that each time you click, the panel appears the same as each row in the following picture.
If you click the square in the correct sequence , only the leftmost two squares light up and the panel opens.
Get the hexagonal key.
Use this key to open the wall panel behind the chair with the letter C.
Note the numbers 150 and 80.
Get gold coin 8.
Remeber the wall panel behind the chair with the letter T?? It has the number 109.
Goto the other wall cabinet with numbers , +/- signs, set lever to - .
150 - 41 = 109
So set the levers to 150 , - and 41 , respectively.
Now return the wall cabinet with the number 109 and open it.
Get the green object.
Combine the green and purple objects.
Goto the cabinet with card symbols
Open it and place the green-and-purple cross into the green panel.
Get the claw.
Combine the claw with the grabber.
use the flashlight and the grabber to get the bird from the bottom of the vase.
Click on the hat of the bird and get gold coin 9.
Goto the painting and place the bird on the bird stand.
Get the Star key.
Goto the wall cabinet (right of the door) behind the chair with the letter L.
Use the Star key.
Get the bottle of wine.
Click on the top of the bottle to remove the cork.
Goto the end of the dinner table with a stack of wine glasses ( the end of table nearest to the door).
Select the wine bottle and click on the stack of glasses to pour the wine into the glasses.
Get the hexagonal rod from the empy wine bottle.
Combine the hexagonal rod with the metal rod obtained earlier to form a cross wrench.
Goto the wall cabinet with the number 109 (behind the chair with the letter T).
Open the cabinet and insert the cross wrench.
Get gold coin 10.
Return to where you got the bottle of wine (behind the chair with the letter L) and insert all 10 gold coins into the wooden hippopotamus.
Get the final Happy Coin and the ♥ key.
Use the the ♥ key at the door and ESCAPE!