Note the directions of the compass (left of door) , N is pointing away from the door , so the door is on the south side. Do the rest for all four walls of the room.
Make an answer??
No matter which buttons (at corners) you click, the word COFFEE comes out in this sequence C , O , F , F, E , E.
The order in which the buttons are clicked determines the alphabet (C, O, F, E) is assigned to each button.
I have chosen.......
Top left button is C.
Top right button is O.
Bottom left button is F.
Bottom right button is F.
Bottom left button is also assigned E.
The bottom right button is also assigned E.
Goto the coffee pot picture and use the same sequence of button clicks to spell C O F F E E .
In my assignments, they are :
1) top left button
2) top right button
3) bottom left button
4) bottom right button
5) bottom left button
6) bottom right button
Get the ♠ key.
Set the box to W (west) because the coffee pot picture is at the west of the room.
Use the ♠ key to open the top drawer.
Get the can with ♥♣♠♦ symbols.
Note the positions of the symbols.
There are ♥♣♠♦ symbols on the bench.
Note the order of the symbols.
Note there is a key which you can't get yet.
Use the positions of the symbols on the can and the order of the symbols on the bench as the hints for clicking the corners of this river picture in the sequence of the symbols.
Get the flash light.
Set the box to E (East) because the river picture is at the East side of the room.
Use the flash at the vase.
Note the sequence of the symbols inside the vase.
Use the same sequence to click on the buttons at the bottom drawer.
Get the lever.
Insert the lever here.
The lever can't stay in position, we need something else to hold it in place.
Click on it and hold the mouse button.
Note the number 5413 and the screwdriver which we can't get yet.
Goto the bird picture, use 5413 as the opening code.
Get the box which needs a key to open.
Take the box to the bench and use the key on the bench to open the box.
Get the can opener.
Use the can opener to open the can.
Get the magnet.
Use the magnet here to hold the lever.
Get the screwdriver.
Use the screwdriver at the bench.
Get the plank and the key.
Get the key with chain.
Use screwdriver at the sunset/sunrise painting.
Get the drill.
Set the box to N (North) because the sunset/sunrise picture is at the North side of the room.
Drill a hole on the can.
Insert the key with chain through the hole.
Use the can to get the key and some water from the vase.
Get the ♦ key.
Put this paper in the water (can).
Use the the ♦ key at the wall panel behind the flower picture.
There is a spade but can't reach.
This device has a compartment in the front. There are two terminals. You need to put something in there to short the terminals.
The magnet is too short.
Use the water in the can to short the terminals, pour water into the compartment, now the circuit is complete.
Press the button and get the bird.
Insert the bird in the middle of this device.
Blue , Red , Yellow??
Is it related to DEWEE??
Yes, you can find these alphabets in bluE, reD , yelloW.
Use the sequence DEWEE to click on buttons.
Get the tape.
Use the tape to attach the magnet to the plank.
Use the plank (with magnet) to get the spade.
Use the spade at the plant.
Dig the soil and get the ♣ key.
Use the ♣ key at the forest picture.
Set the box to S (South) because the forest picture is at the South side of the room.
If all the boxes are set to the correct directions, press the gold lever will open this compass.
Get the final ♥ key .
Some of the number fragments are light up.
Combine these with the numbers you already have , 5 4 1 3 , you get 6 9 3 8.
Use 6938 at the bird picture.
Get the Happy Coin.
Select the ♥ key and click on the door , ESCAPE!