To play game, click here :
Each bird needs to be set in certain colour : Red, Yellow, Green , Blue
What do H, C , S , D stand for ??
There is a star ★ under the Christmas tree.
Need a key to open the postal box.
Move the boxes to the right ....
...get Happy Coin 1 from under the second box from the left.
A humidifier requires water.
Click the squares in certain sequence to get the object in the wooden hippo's mouth.
Get Happy Coin 2 from under the pot.
There is the water for the humidifier , but how do I get the water?? A cup, mug??
Enter the number of SNOW, STARs and SOCKs in the room. We have already seen 1 STAR under the Christmas Tree.
Get spade from the left.
Require a 4-digit code to get the mug which is used to get water for the humidifier.
Click the ● in certain sequence to open the cabinet.
Use the spade to get a Happy Coin from the fire, but the Coin is too hot to handle, needs water to cool???
Behind thefire , we see 8715.
Use 8715 here.
Get mug.
Get Happy Coin 3 from under the mug.
Require screwdriver to open.
Hint: Notice the green dots on each Santa's head which is a dial knob, you can turn each of them to certain position.
There are 7 SOCKs on the bed frame.
Need a flash light to see what is under the bed.
There are 4 SNOWs on the window.
Now we can solve this:
SNOW : 4
STAR : 1
SOCK : 7
Use mug to get water.
Pour water to the humidifier.
Click on the humidifier to turn it on.
Now some symbols appear on the window.
We know :
STAR : 1
SNOW : 4
SOCK : 7
so it is 147 + 471 = 618
Use 618 at wreaths
Get the flash light.
There are star symbols.
Where have we seen the green dots before??
Here! Set the Santa's heads at the positions indicated by the green dots on the stars.
Get Happy Coin 4.
Open ♣ panel . Notice the 「| ┐ on the hippo .
Hint: Where have we seen another Hippo??
Hint : Notice the direction of the Hippos (the one in the panel and the one here) are facing. They are facing OPPOSITE direction to each other.
There are 3 squares on this Hippo.
「 represents left
| represents middle
┐ represents right
but remember the direction of each Hippo is facing, think OPPOSITE.
So 「 now represents right; | still represents middle ; ┐ now represents left.
So on the hippo in the ♣ panel , ┐ |「「|「 represent left , middle, right , right , middle , right
Click the 3 squares in this sequence.
Get the knob.
Use the knob at the ♠ panel .
Start by opening the ♣ , the only one that can be opened at this time.
Then , the next that can be opened is ♠ panel.
The next one that can be opened is ♥ panel and so on.
The sequence is : ♣ , ♠ , ♥ ,♠ , ♥ ,♦ .
The cake cabinet is now opened.
Get Happy Coin 5.
Use the flash light under the bed.
Get screwdriver.
Use screwdriver here.
Get Happy Coin 6.
Get the matches inside the box.
Use matches at the candles.
Notice the colour of the candle flames.
Hint : Notice the height of the candles, where have we seen this before??
Here , at the bird device.
Set the colour of each bird according to the candle flames, starting from the left.
Get Happy Coin 7.
Remember the painting with H, C, S, D ??
H - Heart ♥ .
C - Clove ♣ .
S - Spade ♠ .
D - Diamond ♦ .
The corners of the painting must be clicked in certain sequence to open the painting.
Remember the sequence you used to open the panels here?
Use the same sequence to click on the corners of the painting:
♣ , ♠ , ♥ ,♠ , ♥ ,♦ .
C lover, S pade , H eart , S pade, H eart, D iamond.
Get the heart key.
Get Happy Coin 8.
Use the heart key here (top left) to keep the ♦ panel opened.
Get the Triangle key.
Use the Triangle key here.
Get the clamp.
Dip the still-hot spade (with a Happy Coin) into the water.
Use the clamp to get the coin.
Get Happy Coin 9.
Get the key-in-ball.
Get the Circle key.
Use the Circle key at the postal box.
Open the postal box and get the postcard and .....
....get Happy Coin 10 from the postcard.
Turn the postcard to the other side.
Hint : Bird facing right represents right; bird facing left represents left; bird facing you represents middle , so the sequence (starting from the left) is :
right , left , left, middle , left, middle
This is the only thing that has not been opened. Use the bird sequence hint here.
Click right (button) , left , left, middle , left, middle.
Open the cabinet to get the bag.
Get the Heart key from the bag.
(under function,click SAVE.)
Use the Heart key at the door to escape!
There are 3 gifts waiting for you, click on each box to see a gift (you need to restart the SAVED game two more times to see the gifts in other two boxes).