以前提及過, 媽媽有病, 過去一年很不開心. 醫生說以統計數據來說, 媽會和我們有限定的時間. 雖然媽媽還有健康, 但每次看到媽媽都好難過. 特別是最近慶祝了她的生日, 每次想起, 見她背影也哭了出來. 雖然每人都有自己的冬天, 但媽媽的冬天來得太早. 醫生也為什麼在聖誕,農歷新年前說這些.....希望治療有效或延長生命.
As I mentioned before , my mother is ill . Just recently, Doctor has mentioned that statistically , she has limited time with us. Even though we all suspected (or maybe we just don't want to accept it) but never received any type mention until this occasion. The news is devastating for us especially at this time of the year. Occasionally, I burst into tears just thinking about it, or watching my mother , especially at her back, it is like she is leaving us for good as she walks away.......Mother gave birth to us, took care of us (still care about us) and now it is our turn to take care of her but we are helpless, there is nothing we can do except we pray the treatment works for her. My mother illness is shared by many around the globe but is particularly more common among asian women.
Why did the doctor have to mention this expiration now during Christmas and before the Chinese New Year !?
The above video is just an old song from a 1950s Chinese movie , praising mother's love - To me , it is the greatest love of all..... The girl singing in the video is still with us. Almost everyone in the Chinese culture knows this song. I guess every culture has a` song for mother.
This has to be the worst Christmas........
做兒子真好憺心,無論我有幾老, 她永遠是母親, 養育關懷到終的人.....
Delete好想唱這歌, 但不懂國語, 用廣東話又不好聽, 字不夾音.