Sunday, June 28, 2020

This Dream Tiny House Is A Total Game Changer

    This has to be one of the nicest tiny houses. It is located in Auckland , New Zealand. Bryce revisits Shaye after 7 years. She is now the owner of a tiny house construction business after been living in a tiny house.

    The first thing I like about this house is the exterior design. Corrugated metal meets wood. The upper part of the house is corrugated metal and a retangular container which maximises the interior living space. The second thing I like is the roof-top garden, nicely placed outside the bedrooms, so one can wake up to a beautiful garden every morning, but I wonder how Shaye can maintain the garden , do the plants grow through the roof ? is there any access to the garden? The third thing I like is the extension module space (non mobile unit) that is being used as a spare bedroom/ reading room. This room is "attached" to the main house , so one will be able to enter this room without leaving the indoor.

     Upon entering the house, one can feel the space in the entrance which is also the living room with a long comfortable sofa. Plenty of light enters the house through the glass doors  (I guess New Zealand is a safe place to have glass doors for houses?); also, being sliding glass doors, the living room can be "connected" to the outdoor by open the sliding doors completely. The top of the living room is only partially covered by a catwalk structure which serves as a hallway leading to the bedrooms on either sides of the hallway. There is no ladder climbing in this house. One goes up the stairs and use the catwalk hallway to access the bedroom, just simply elegant and practical! The best feature in the house has to be the "doors" for both bedroom ensuring privacy. The sizes of the bedrooms are just right. Shaye's room has a "plant" wall with living growing plants.

        I guess the house is still on-grid , at least partially, I see no solar cells on the roof of the house. The bad thing of the house is , yes you've guessed it , the composting toilet , even though the composting toilet is cleverly hidden in the cabinet when not in use , one still has to manually remove "one's own crap" . I would , at least invest in an incinerator toilet even though its upfront cost is extravagant.

      All-in-all, I give 8 or 9 out of 10 to this house. I guess like most tidy houses' occupants , they don't own the land, something a tidy house owner must consider.

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