Finally , some new escape games from tesshi-e (mildescape) , this is the latest one (escape 122) and I still have to play the other two older ones from the past few months (2019).I don't follow Tessie release schedule if he even has one.
Your browser must support WebAssembly (Wasm) to run the game. Do not close browser window , or you have to start over ! The game is automatically saved only temporarily if the browser windows stays.
Click on the pot of plant , get coin 1.
Click on the star basin , get coin 2.
Click on the pink bird (left) hat and get coin 3.
Please ignore the number in the photo, it should say 3 instead of 2 , because I forgot to "pick up" the coin under the Star basin.
Goto the bed on the left , get coin 4 from under the pillows.
The number of coin obtained so far should be 4 , not 3 for the reason that I explained above.
Pay attention to the positions of the door knobs on each cupboard. They are either on left or the right of the cupboards.
Goto the top cupboard on the right.
Get coin 5.
Goto the bottom right cupboard. It seems to be locked at first, just keep clicking it, it will open.
Get tea maker.
Write down the numbers this way:
2 , 4
3 , 6
1 , 5
Goto the bottom left cupboard.
Get the box. the box is lied by some strings, need something to cut the strings.
Use these numbers as the sequence number for clicking the squares.
Get batteries.
Goto the bed on the right side.
A secret compartment on the wall above the nightstand.
Click to open the compartment. There is a set of knobs which can be turned left and right.
Using the location of each door knob as the hint .
Each door knob is either located on the left or the right of the cupboard.
Turn each knob in the secret compartment accordingly.
Return to the middle cupboard.
The middle cupboard is now open.
Get the key.
Click "PUSH OPEN" . There is a set of switches which can be set either up or down.
Using the positions of the each wing of the pink birds as the hint , starting from the left pink bird.
Set the each switch position (up or down) according to the wing positions of the pink birds.
Get the cable.
Return to the TV.
Goto the left drawer.
Use the key to open the left drawer.
Get the TV remote control. Place the batteries into the remote.
Goto the right drawer.
Open the notebook. There are six symbols.
Use the remote to turn on the TV.
The symbols in the notebook appear at the corners of the TV screen.
The locations of the symbols give the hint on the sequence for clicking on the corners of this painting.
Get the template and coin 6.
Please ignore the number 8, it should say 6 (coin 6) . I forgot to pick up the coin during the capturing of this screen image.
Return to the bed on the right side. Goto the nightstand.
Place the template on the nightstand.
It reveals the words "five one four" , 514.
Use the remote and set the TV channel number to 514.
Some patterns appear on the TV screen.
The patterns are actually numbers , can you see them??
The bird on the left of the TV has the number 2.
The bird on the right side of the TV has the number 5.
Combine the numbers of the left , right bird and the numbers in the black-and-white patterns, they give 28725.
Use this number at the green fridge.
Open and get the bottle of water from the fridge.
Get the ladybug 1 from the freezer of the fridge.
Goto the kettle.
Select the bottle of water and pour the water into the kettle.
Get coin 7.
Select the cable.
Click on the kettle. Now the cable is inserted into the kettle. The water is boiling.
Select the tea maker.
Click on the kettle. The tea is made !
Pour the tea into the tea cup.
Some numbers appear on the tea maker.
Enter the numbers 9263 at the wooden Hippopotamus. Click on the white square.
Get the key from Hippo's mouth.
Use the key to open this door.
There are four sets of numbers and a table.
Get ladybug 2 from the table.
Click on the table and get coin 8
The numbers are hint to open this.
Each number indicates the number of "circle". 2 - 2 circles ; 1 - circle ; 3 - 3 circles...., etc.
2 1 3 4 6 5 means starting from location where the 2-circle symbol is , goto 1-circle symbol , then goto 3-circle symbol,........ etc. The path gives an alphabet. 2 1 3 4 6 5 give a S.
Repeat this for other sets of numbers.
They will give you 4 alphabets.
S C U L is the answer, use it to open the top left cupboard.
Get the screwdriver.
Return to the TV stand, use the screwdriver to open the middle drawer.
Get ladybug 3.
Get coin 9.
Returning here.
Place all three ladybugs onto this ladybug device .
Get cutter.
Use cutter to cut the strings.
Get coin 10.
Insert all 10 coins here.
Get the HAPPY COIN and .....
.... the ESCAPE KEY!
Use the ESCAPE KEY at the green door and ESCAPE!
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