Another my tidy house moment. As I mentioned before , I am fascinated by how people maximize the usage of minimal space. I think most of us are wasting spaces and resources. Living in tiny houses is not only about maximizing usage of space but it is also about simpler and debt-free living (no mortgages , etc) .
The only problem I have is again, the "dry toilet" ;also, in the first video, the solar panel battery and inverter are so close to the toilet , methane gas and electrical spark do not go well together in my opinion.......
I think I like this one , water-flush toilet but I don't know where the waste is flushed to ........
Also, there is a small washer/dryer room separating the toilet from the kitchen, I don't like "human waste" too close to the food .
This video is about 42 minutes long , so if you have the time , check it out, it points out what need to be considered building a tiny house.
This video is 56 minutes long. This couple turns a bus into their home. The only issues I have is the location and the privacy concern with the toilet (the guy says they are not too private to each other, so I guess that is ok for them), having the toilet next to my bed is not my thing. The shower is too small for my comfort.
ReplyDelete香港人口只有增長, 地越來越少, 屋越來越貴... 屋不一定要大, 最緊要實用,舒適,當得舒適, 地震(覺得香港會有機會). 我覺有其他科技(經濟些)可建屋.