Tuesday, February 20, 2018



Some of them are common sense to me :

No public peeing
No texting during walking .

but these are the weird ones to me .

Arkansas: No honking your horn in front of a sandwich shop.
Colorado : No snowball fights (the snow there must be rock hard? )
Connecticut : you can't eat in your car (when you are driving ??)
Delaware : No Trick-or-treating on a Sunday.
Florida: No Internet cafe (they are banning illegal gambling at these cafes)
Idaho : You can't be in the same house as someone who is smoking pot.
Illnois : no saggy pants
Kentucky : No selling Easter Bunnies ( no selling of bunnies on a Easter?)

Louisiana : NO VAMPIRES ? You mean they are real Vampires? This law bans people from comsuming human blood and animal waste. You need a law for that?

Massachusetts : Can't buy a Christmas tree Tree too big for your car? What about a RV ??

Minnesota : You can't wear hats in theater (fine by me but bald guys are not going to like this. )
Mississippi : No teaching of polygamy . So it is ok to marry your first cousin??

Montana : No giving away rats as gifts?   Gift for whom? Cats ??

Nebraska : You can't get married if you have AN STD ?  Why is it a AN for STD? They pronounce S differently in Nebraska??  So AIDS patients are out of lucky for marriage.

New Mexico : No voting for idiots??  But some of them did vote for Donald Trump ! : )

North Dakata : NO SEX WITH BIRDS ??  O_o     Birds have beaks . Using sharp objects in sex is no a good idea : )  , then again , SEX WITH BIRDS !!?? What the $%&^*(&&*...!!

Ohio : No arrests on Sundays. So crimes can be committed on Sundays??

South Dakota : No causing static . Yes, the same static that makes your hair standing up.

I guess Electro from Spider-Man or Emperor Palpatine are  banned from that state !

Tennessee : You can't sharing your Netflix password.

Utah : No booze for immigrants (who have been there for less than 2 years and no driving with even a drop of alcohol in the system, House Bill 155).

Vermont : You can't have apple pie without ice cream?

Virginia : You can't go trick-or-treating if you are older than 12 . Well,  I have met a trick-and-treater who sounded like Darth Vader.

Washington state : You can't walk around in public if you have a cold.

West Virginia : No dueling if you are planning on running for office ? They are still doing dueling ??

 Wyoming : No entering  a mine when you are drunk. I guess alcohol and coal don't mix?

Also, you can't buy metal, paper, rubber ( I assume it is the real rubber , not the other kind of rubber)  , rags from a drunk person.

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