Thursday, January 18, 2018

脱出ゲームエスケープホテル 露天風呂 Escape Game The Escape Hotel - Hot Spring

I wish Tessi had a more regular game release schedule.  he didn't release a game during Christmas like before but released one  in January instead.

If you haven't played it already, try it out before reading the rest of this blog. You can goto the gear symbol to set the volume of the background music and the language to English.

The game does have an autosave feature that is turned on by default but if you close the browser , you will have to restart the game from the beginning, so don't close the browser window or crash your browser when playing this game.


Goto the shrine.

Note the postion of each star , starting from left column's top.

Goto the hot spring

Keep clicking on the sign until it turns.

Note the position of the   for each card symbol

E.g. ♥  ●●

Get the key.

Return to the shrine.

Use the key.

Get thermometer.

Goto the hotspring, use the thermometer to measure the temperature of the hot spring water.

It is 39 ° C

Goto the hippopotamus, use the thermometer to measure the water.

The temperature is 43° C.

Note the green object on the roof.

Use the positions of the stars as the sequence of clicking the lef and right buttons.

Get the  T wrench.

Use the hint behind the sign at the hot spring.

 The sequence of card symbols will form a single digit , 6 for the first column.

Do the same for the other two columns, you get 6 2 9.

Use 6 2 9 to open the panel and get ......

.....a binocular and .......

...  a lobster tail.

Goto the shelf and get a handle from the middle basket.

use the temperatures you just measured at the "birdy" hot spring and at the hippopotamus .
birdy hot spring is at 39 ° C
at hippopotamus  :  43 ° C

so the code is 3943

Get the wheel.

Look at the ocean .

Use the binocular to look at the yacht sail,



Return to the cabinet , it says  MILD ESCAPE.

Spell MIDL ESCAPE using


it gives you the sequence to click the buttons.

Get the screwdriver.

Use the wrench to remove the bolts.

Get the parcel from the cabinet.

Go behind the brown fence.

Attach the wheel and the bolts.

Use the wrench to tighten the bolts.

Click to turn the wheel.

The water in the hippopotamus bath is drained.

Get the horse from hippopotamus's mouth.

Use the screwdriver to remove the screws.

Get the key.

Return to the "birdy" hot spring.

Use the newly obtained key.

It reveals a panel with clickable button at each corner.

Get the nut.

Attach the handle and the nuts.

Get the bucket.

Return to the hotspring.

Get some water.

Return here.

There is a ground panel on the right. Click to open.

Pour water from the bucket to the ground secret compartment.

Get the ball, click to get the key from inside the ball.

Goto the cabinet on the left, use the    key.

Get the mop.

Return to the hotspring again.

Get some water.

Wet the mop with the water.

There is some stain on the ground.

Use the wet mop to remove the stain.

Use the number(s) at each corner as the sequence to click the buttons on this birdy panel.

A tortoise will slide out from the birdy.

Get the turtoise.

Retrun here.

Use the mop to get the green object.

Get the cutter.

Use the cutter to open the parcel.

Get the lobster head.

Combine lobster head and tail.

The picture gives us a hint.

Return to the shrine. Place the lobster , horse and tortoise in this order , from left to right.

The shrine opens.

Get the   key.

Return to the ocean.

Use the binocular again

This time the alphabets are arranged in different positions.

Return to the cabinet.

Click on the buttons in the same order of spelling "MILD ESCAPE".

Get the Happy Coin.

Goto the gate.

Goto the left panel.

Use the    key to open it.

Click to lift the lever.

Gate opens.


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