Wednesday, February 8, 2017


If you have seen this already, Melissa Mccarthy as "always angry" Sean Spicer .

I was almost killed by laughter , this has to be one of the best SNL skits.

The best parts are when she picks up the podium and marches towards the reporter and uses props to illustrate what she is saying as if the reporters are dumb ass.

She uses a "HEAD" visor for ADvisor
...a knot for NOT......

uses DETERED for THE TURD , this is a good one !

uses moose and lamb for Mus...lim   , this kills me .

It also cracks me up when she was holding a fist saying : "Live from New York , it's Saturday Night!", so militant , ha!!

Actually the real best part is that Melissa maintains her acts while suppressing her own laughter throughout .

At least a few more years for Sean if he doesn't quit, tough job ahead.

I guess CNN is banned from the Trump Administration !? This is a real "ban" , not just a word used by the media as the Trump administration often uses. I wonder if that affects CNN's rating?

SNL will have plenty of materials for the next four years and I know at least one person will have a job for the next four years - Alex Baldwin! I hope Melissa returns as a regular, she was spot-on as Sean Spicer (Spicey needs a big boy nap ! ^_^ !)

In HD.

Video is no longer available because the French don't want to share.

At 1:02 . Looks like Sean Spicer doesn't like it too much, ..... well, I like it :)

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