Monday, January 30, 2017

マクロス新作 TV アニメシリーズ 2018年 ? NEW MACROSS TV SERIES 2018 ?

I can't tell you much about it , but there is news about a new Macross TV series being developed for 2018.

Personally , I am not that excited about it. I barely remember anything from Macross Delta, forgettable characters , songs and story. I really forced myself to watch each episode as in mentally being tied up with ropes to the chair (the same thing with Kamen Rider Ex-Aid). Why am I forcing myself to watch something I don't enjoy? Out of tradition, I have been watching these shows since the beginning. I miss the Macross music by 羽田健太郎 (Haneda Kentarou) who passed away in 2007 (肝細胞癌 Hepatocellular Carcinoma), died too early........The last Macross that I really like is Macross Plus, really enjoy the music by 菅野 よう子 (Kanno Youko).

Will this be another TV series to sell toys and models ??

I really want to see some new mechas, not a big fan of Macross Quarter class of ships or battle-7 , etc.

...but I wouldn't mind seeing what happened to the Megaroad's crews with a title like ... (copying from Star Wars , Rogue One)

Megaroad , a Forgotten Macross Story..........メガロード。おぼえていますか?

Incidentally, this year is the 35 th Anniversary of the franchise.

What I really like to see is new type of Sci-Fi anime , we can only see reboots or continuation of the same-old nowadays. Where is the creativity? I really miss the "Golden Age" of Japanese anime.

個人覺得現在太多翻炒, 創作性巳不及六十至八十年代那日本動畫的"黄金時期". 現在的製作只為賣模型玩具..... Macross Delta 似夢遊一樣, 人物, 歌典與故事看完後全無印像. 超時空要塞原作有創意,好看好多.羽田健太郎的超時空歌曲真是好聽得多, 百聽不厭.

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