I made a creamy veggie soup this year.
To my surprise , it was going fast. Little do my guests know, they better have a blood test for cholesterol despite the fact that there is veggie in it : ) .
Non seasoned croutons for the soup. The reason for non-seasoned is that the seasoning might destroy the flavour from the soup since the croutons are to be served with the soup.
Our "Bird Of Honour" with my fruity/nutty/meaty stuffing.
Have you ever tried looking into the "Abyss" of the turkey's ass?? It is full of fruity , nutty and meaty stuffing that you can eat!! ^_^
My recipe for ribs (served once per year) .
We all need some veggies even though it is the meaty , sugary , cholesterol-off-the-charts season.
Salmon with some secret sauce (I didn't make this).
Ready-to-eat shrimp (from any asian grocery store).
Plural of shrimp is shrimp , right??
My new side dish of cheesy scallops for this year, using my family and friends as "experimental prawns". As being a good host, I only took a few, but to my regrets, they were all gone in the first minute, damn.........Oops , I mean "good"~~~
Smoked ham, simply cooked and served!
This is my meal with some potato salad (from grocery store) , minus the wine (I don't drink alcohol, I am not a man , ha!)
My yearly "Christmas cake"
The shrimp fruity cocktail is supposed to be served first to get the stomach juice going before the actual meal, but I like to drink it with my cake as the last item of the Christmas dinner.
I call it a shrimp cocktail but it has no alcohol in it (I don't drink alcohol as I said) but you could add a teaspoon or so red wine into the mix and serve.
ReplyDelete一年一次, 平時好少食咁多. 我是怕太飽那種感覺.