Tuesday, October 4, 2016


This is ポン酢 ponzu sauce which is made from fruit juice (or citric ) and some other ingradients including 昆布 konpu (kompu) seeweed in other varieties of the sauce. It is used for 鉄板焼 Japanese grills and ぎょうざ dumplings.

Why am I writing a blog about this??

Well, I have been using it a few times lately and I've just realised that I bought this in the ......

1980s ....

when I was living in England (the price tag is in English pound).

That was also the time when I was quite active in Japanese cooking . I don't usually use ready-made sauce , I prefer making my own sauce or anything that I can make myself from fresh ingradients.

The bottle of sauce still tastes good after all these years, unbelievable ! I guess citric acid prevents any bacterial developments.

今日先發覺(看價錢牌 £ 英磅)這樽是我在80年代在英國買的 ポン酢 ponzu 汁 (日食餃子, 鐵板燒,等用) 還可食用. 味道還不錯. 現在不想再用, 還有少少, 有記念價值. 當年一樽兩英鎊幾, 算貴. 不敢常用, 所以有剩下, 留到現在. 樽 sauce 與我一起移居別國, 還可食用. 真是厲害! 可不可再 keep 十年??

I guess the serial number can tell when this was made .

Maybe my Japanese readers can verify the packaging . I am sure that it is still made today.

The price tag is £2.21p   (I don't remember if it includes the VAT tax at the time). It was considered expensive, so I used it sparingly, apparently too sparingly , so it is still with me and in use after decades !

It says on the packaging that it needs to be refrigerated after opening but most of the time I kept it at room temperature (now it is in the fridge). I don't have any food poisoning or stomach ache yet.

This is simply amazing!

The liquid is slightly darkened but it tastes fresh and there is no sediment.

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