Monday, June 20, 2016



Simply get the chair ......

....  and the cupboard.

Both lights are now in green, get the key.

Open the door.

Enter the living room and the music starts !

Click to push the blocks over on the carpet.

Note where the blocks (cylinder, pentagon and triangle) land, note the colours of the carpet each block lands on.

Goto the safe.

Set the colour of each shape to the correspnding colour of the carpet on which each block lands.

Triangle on green carpet.
Pentagon on red carpet
Cylinder (circle) on blue carpet.

Get the cup and note the spelling of the name R i l a k k u n.

Note there are 4 pencils here.

A table with a miniature model of the room you just escaped from.
(Actually you just escaped from inside this model~~~~ errie~~~~)

Note the number of "sticks" on this coffee table.

4 here and .....

65 sticks here.

Goto the sofa.

A box of snack Packy (actually , this is Pocky, one of the more well known Japanese stick snacks) , there are 50 sticks.

Goto this yellow box.

Enter the number of sticks you found. It is 125 sticks .

Get the first glass egg.

Goto this Rain painting.

 Find R A I N in this name and note the position of each letter in the name.

I is the second letter.


Enter the position of each letter in R A I  N .

It is 1  4  2 8 .

Get key.

Use key top open this box.

Place the model chair in this panel.

 A secret compartment opens up.

Get the boots.

Note the position of each white bar on each book, starting from the left.

Note the shape of the shelf in which the letters i ,  T , J , r are located.

We already have a boots , we need the umbrella.

Right of the above panel, there is a light switch.

Goto this book painting.

Click on the upper and lower squares according to the positions of the white bars on the books .

Get the note.

Note the first letter of each word.

The Rainy Season In Japan Starts In June.

These are the letters on the shelf.

Insert the model cupboard (box).

These are the shapes of the shelf compartments.

Use this sequence to click the shapes.

The Rainy Season In Japan Starts In June.

Get glass egg 2.

Click on the light switch.

Note the number on each light.

25, 46 ,  13.

What do they mean??

 Return to the shelf.

Goto the safe.

Note the thrre button (top, middle , bottom)

25, 46 ,  13 are actually :

2, 5
4, 6
1, 3

these are the sequence to click the button.

So starting from the lower button , then click the middle button, click on the lower button.......etc.

Get glass egg 3.

Goto this box near the windows.

Place all 3 glass eggs into the box.

Get gold key.

Use the gold key to open this safe.

Get the umbrella.

We now have both the boots and umbrella. Both lights turn on.

Get the exit key.

Not sure if there is anything here, maybe ......

Unless this game also has some hidden item needs to be found (like in Tesshi's games) , we can use the exit key to escape!


Why don't you try this game and see if you could find any "secret" items that I haven't found.

I also recommend this game, more challenging:

魔女の館 House of a Witch.


I don't have time to write a blog on it , but it is a nice game.

See if you can get to this ending.

Also, try this out , very easy.


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