Thursday, May 26, 2016



Continuing from the last episode.....

So Lucifer is being reaped out from Castiel by the Darkness but where did he go?? Back to the cage or some place in the Universe.

I have never seen God look so pathetic , then again I have never met God in real life.
He looks like he ate some very bad oysters.

I know the Darkness took some of God's power, but he really looks useless in this episode.

I have to admit , I thought God was faking it but he is really beaten by the Darkness.

This is the end of the World ??

I get this type of sun all the time at where I am.

Here comes a new character from Britain.

What kind of mug shots are these?? Dean's one looks like he is posing for some modelling shots.

Crowley says to God :"I am not calling you dad!"

Everyone is so disrespectful to God!

God and Rowena are having "the last cup of tea" before the End of World comes !?

Now we call  God Charles instead of Chuck? Is God cool with that?

Oh, now the Darkness likes beautiful things,...........I am so touched.

So their final plan to destroy the Darkness (thus bring balance to the cosmo since God , the Light is dying, Darkness has to go too) is to make a "Spirit Bomb"??

Where is Gokuu when we need him ! 孫悟空 元気玉 ??

You just goto some mental institution , throw a purple rock in mid air , you collect thousands of souls , done !

As Billie says :" If you want souls , call a reaper!"

My question to Billie:

Where is your boss , Death??

I thought Death would return in this episode and try to take God.

The Darkness is getting a prep talk from  a senior about family??

The reaper collects 100,000 souls in seconds.

This is enough to kill the Darkness?? God says 10,000 suns set to supernova would kill the Darkness (rough estimate of course, God actually says he doesn't know for sure , and I thought he knows it all ~_~) , but how big is each sun? God surely knows suns come in different sizes right?

Looks like Crowley has some working relationship with Billie the reaper....

Crowley's mother now speculates ....

Her son really wants his mommy dead!?

100,000 souls in your heart? Can't be good.

As Rowena puts it, Dean is now a walking tickling time bomb!

Sure , I give my brother a final hug knowing he is going to be exploded!

This indoor garden surely looks better than the Garden Of Eden we say a few seasons ago.

Darkness receives another prep talk.

Darkness did say when God died, so would  she,, so just wait for God to die , then Darkness will die afterwards, so why do they need a "Spirit Bomb" in the first place??

Didn't know God and the Darkness can cry too~~~

Oh we are family , two prep talks and the Universe is saved!

How come Castiel always look like he watches porn for the first time??

So sister gives her brother back his mojo!

Now we are one happy family of two!

Before God leaves (for a while according to him), he removes Dean's tickling time bomb.

Before Darkness leaves with her brother, she says to Dean:" You gave me what I needed  the most, so I want to do the same for you."

And I thought the Darkness would give Dean endless Asian porns which Dean likes ~~~~~

Brother holding hands with sister this way?? Looks too "Kentucky" to me!!!

Well, we all know how Adam and Eve got together and reproduced , and started the world family tree.........................

In any family tree, having loops doesn't look good !

So God and the Darkness are just a pile of Light and Dark smoke?

So we won't see them again ??

So the Britsih lady somehow finds Sam's hideout and decides to kill him??

Never a good idea  to point a finger at someone whose finger is on the trigger.

The season finale ends with Dean seeing his mommy??

I am disappointed at this episode , especially for a season finale. At least there is a cosmo-scale fights between God and the Darkness before they made peace, as disappointing as Michael vs Lucifer in season 5.

The ending is not even a cliff hanger.

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