Saturday, December 26, 2015

CHRISTMAS DINNER 2015 聖誕餐 2015

Another Chsristmas dinner with the family .

I didn't do this. Just try to figure out how to do all the ribbon twists and arrangement so that I don't need to bother another family member to do this wonderful job.

One thing about artistic creation is that one can not use equations , formula or procedure to perform the task.

My fruity Christmas punch.

I wanted to make another soap , but all other family members want this once-in-a-year vegetable (with meat) soup. Democracy, majority rules!

今年想整另一款湯, 但家人要一年一次的港式羅宋湯.

My secret rib receipe.

A 17 lbs bird, first time ever. With stuffing (like to stuff things into turkey's ass ! )

今年用了新方法整, 火雞嫩肉好多. 17 磅的"火の鳥"!

除了 roast ham 與菜, 全部我整.

誰弄走那些蝦頭!? 我要!!

I made all the dish except the ham , veggie and headless shrimps (I want the damn heads , who removed them!? Yummy simple nervous system but high cholesterol).

Headless shrimps ...feel like eating a bunch of Henry VIII's wives~~~~

My Christmas dinner.

Almost forgot the meshed potato , did it in 5 minutes tom complete the Christmas dinner set.

My "Christmas" cake, thou shall call the "going fast" cake. If you have diabetes or high cholesterol , don't come near it. it will kill you even before you consume it .

去得很快的自製 "Christmas cake". 有糖尿, 高胆固醇, 勿近.

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