Wednesday, June 11, 2014

MG フルアーマーユニコーンガンダム Ver. Ka MG FULL ARMOR UNICORN GUNDAM Ver. Ka

Celebrating the release of the last episode , episode 7, I have taken some new photos; but I am still truly disappointed in the final battle.

對 episode 7 最終決戰失望; 特別是 Full Armor Unicorn 沒有用過他的武器.

ビームマグナム Beam Magnum . Used in Episode 7

ハイパーバズーカ Hyper Bazooka. Have not been used in any episodes.

Actually I can remove the grenades from the compartment.

Attached to the Hyper Bazooka is グレネードランチャー grenade launcher.

ビームガトリングガン Beam Gatling Gun. 又是沒有用過. Again not used in episode 7.

Unicorn Gundam could have used these to cut off Neo Zeong's arms.

大型スラスター thrusters 的確是兩個包袱. 看 Neo Zeong 那兩個就知. 當然有 full armour 和長距離戰時是須要的.

I like Unicorn's long legs.

アームドアーマーDE Armed Armour DE.
2014年12月出 green version, 又要開工.

MS CAGE with:

バナージ リンクス Banagher Links
オードリー バーン Audrey Burne (ミネバ ラオ ザビ Mineva Lao Zabi)
マリーダ クルス Marida Cruz
カーディアス ビスト Cardeas Vist

這算不算是 Gundam Unicorn 人物 Micro series , 好似 仮面ライダー Micro series.

94 式バースジャバー 94 BASE JABBER.

Episodes 7 有用過 ハンドグレネードランチャー 腳上的 Hand Grenade Launcher.

ハイパービームジャベリン Hyper Beam Javelin.
Only  Kshatriya Repaired used one in epsiode 7.
Episode 7 內只有 Kshatriya Repaired 用過.

Older photos.

Maybe the next higher stage should have blue psycho frame??

These photos were taken before more decals were applied.

98式 ベースジャバー BASE JABBER

Armed armour booster shield DE. I am waiting for the green psycho frame version this coming December. 待綠版.

I think it looks better than just with green psycho frames.

This is what I want to see in episode 7, using " full armor" to combat Neo Zeong!

在片中 Unicorn Gundam 為什麼不用 full armor 所有武器對戰 Neo Zeong, 雖然 Neo Zeong 的 Psycho Shard 會 destroy 所有 energy beam 武器.

I was surprised that I managed to finish it , I wasn't in the mood for constructing any models that time.

I dare Bandai to release  MG Neo Zeong !



  1. 其實身上太多武器反而是喧賓奪主.....

    1. 會是這樣, 但在片中打鬥會精彩些, 覺得打鬥不足.
