Enjoy the music.
I always like Tesshi's interior design, my style!
S P A C E ??
Hint: Just pay attention to the alphabets.
Need a key to open.
Need a 3-digit code.
Hint: Pay attention to ★▲.
You have to turn the wheels to let the coin fall down to the slot; but the upper wheel requires a screwdriver to unlock it.
Get the piece of paper.
Hint: Water on that piece of paper??
There is water here but no tap.
Hint: Pay attention to which corner the arrow is pointing in each picture?
E S C A P E??
Where have you seen these letters before??
Hint : Each slide bar has 5 positions .
Hint : If S is 1 ; P is 2 ......... E is 5
Adjust the bar position that corresponds to the the number for that letter. I.e. E bar is at position 5.
Get the pliers.
Use pliers to cut string here.
Get the ♣ key.
Go upstairs.
Hint: Pay attention to which corners the arrow is pointing in each picutre.
The arrows give you the hint to open this picture.
The arrows indicate the corner of the picture to be clicked but in what sequence??
Hint : Note the height of the pictures on the wall.
Starting from those in downstairs.
Get screwdriver.
Get bird 1.
Use screwdriver to remove screw at the top wheel.
Turn the top wheel so that the coin slot aligh to the slot of the bottom wheel.
Turn the bottom wheel until the coin drop out of the box.
Get coin.
Go upstairs.
Use coin to open the box left of bookshelf near bed.
Open and get tap.
Click on the books and see....
"I think therefore I am " and a piece of bread???
Hint : Treat ""I think therefore I am " as a series of alphabets.
Get the battery from under the pillow.
Go downstairs.
Place the tap into positon and turn on the water.
Put the piece of paper under water.
Where have you seen the ♣ before??
The hippos all have thier mouths opened.
Return to upstairs.
Use the ♣ key in the middle drawer.
Use the ♣ code.
Get bird 2.
Where have you seen those hippos before??
Just set the wooden hippos mouth to open positions.
When all the hippos mouth are opened, get the ♠ key.
Return to downstairs.
Use the ♠ key to open the cupboard.
Get bird 3.
Hint: Note the birds' beak positions.
There is more hint in those wheels.
Turn the top wheel one position to the right at a time.
You will see :
Where have we seen ★▲ before??
Enter 7 6 3 .
Open and get bread.
Put bread into toaster.
Move away from the toaster and walk around a bit.
Return and get the toast.
13 05 11
02 03 10 09 09
05 04 05 09
Three rows of numbers.
Where do we need three rows of numbers??
Return to upstairs.
Where else there is a mention of "toast"??
"I think therefore I am "
How is this phrase related to the piece of toast???
Hint : As I said, treat the phrase as a series of alphabets.
If I is 1; t is 2 ; h is 3 ...............
then what do you get from these numbers??
13 05 11
02 03 10 09 09
05 04 05 09
13 is o ; 05 is n ; 11 is e so 12 ; 05 ; 11 is O N E
Do the same for other groups of numbers.
You will get :
139! Use this number to open the lower third drawer.
Get robot.
Insert battery.
Go downstairs.
Under the stairs
Put robot inside the tube.
Get the ball (with key).
Return to upstairs.
Use the ♦ key to open the top drawer.
Get bird 4.
Now you have 4 birds.
Put them here.
Get the ♥ key.
Set the birds beak positions according to these mugs:
Get the Happy Coin.
Select the ♥ key.
Return to downstairs and goto the main door and multi-click the door handle.
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