Game link :
Get the straws.
Hint: Note the positions of those hippos that can open their mouths.
Require a key to open.
Hint: Again note the positions of those hippos that can open their mouths.
A fan.......
Goto the other side of the shelf on the left (or right depending on where you look at the shelf).
Get the ♠ key from the bottom middle hippo.
There is a strange device on top of this shelf. Looks like you need to insert something into the U shaped tube.
Goto the right side of the room.
A puppet sitting on a transparent column.
Notice the screw at the left of the board on which the puppet sits.
Notice the key hanging from the board.
Suppose to put something here??
The picture has a hippo in it.
Notice the hippo has its mouth opened. Where have we seen such hippo??
What is at the left side of the bed??
There is a panel on the left side of the door.
Require a key to open.
This object on the wall can be tilited and reveals some numbers.
Hint: A 1 , Z 26. The first alphabet is A ; the 26th alphabet is Z, so 5 , 13, 14 and 15 are??
Note the position of each number around the object.
Answer :
5 - E (upper right corner)
13 - M (lower right corner)
14 - N (upper left corner)
15 - O (lower left corner)
Require a cutter to cut string??
Get the tissue box from the bottom shelf.
Get the tissue.
On its back, there is "moon on one"
What does it mean??
Notice there is also a hippo on the tissue, so "moon on one" is related to the hippo??
Where have we seen the hippo previously??
Where else those alphabets e, m , n, o are used??
Here !
Remember the tilted object??
We found out that there is a number at each cornerand each number represents an alphabet.
So " m o o n o n o n e " gives you the sequence of the corners of the picture to be clicked.
Answer :
Get the tape.
Notice those 12 squares. Where have you seen those 12 squared shape before??
Those squares can be clicked.
Hint: The picture has a hippo with its mouth opened.
Remember the locations of those hippos with their mouths opened??
Also, notice the direction of the hippo's mouth in this picture. Pointing to the left.
So this gives you the hint on how to look at the red shelves. Remember there are two ways you can look at the shelves : Front or the back of them.
So the only way those hippos' mouths are pointing to the left is when you look at those red shelves from the window side of the shelves.
There are yellow, red and green lights.
The oppposite side of the lights is ??
The piano!
Look at the piano pedals, each of them has a colour dot. left pedal has a green dot , middle pedal has a red dot and right pedal has a yellow dot.
There is a drawer left of the piano.
The drawer can only be opened if three of the alphabets are set correctly.
What should these alphabets be??
Require something to be inserted into the compartment.
Get "bird-on-stick" from the plant.
Notice the number 4 on the bird.
Get the stick.
Clicking on the books and get some musical notes.
Hint: Note the position of each note on those horizontal bars. Read from left to right. There are 5 bars from top to bottom.
There is a cupboard at the bottom left of piano.
Those squares need to be clicked in certain order.
Another cupboard at the bottom right of piano.
There are 5 squares that need to be clicked.
Where have I mentioned the number 5 not too long ago??
Answer: Use the musical note positions as the order of the squares to be clicked.
Open the left side of the cupboard.
Get a battery.
Use the battery here.
Click on the left button and see the colour change on the bird.
Yellow , green , red , green , red , green .
Use the colour sequence to click each piano pedal.
The keyboard is now opened and reveal WAHAHA.
Get another "bird-on-stick" from the keyboard.
Notice the number 3 on this bird.
Get the two sticks.
What are these sticks used for??
Use W A H A H A (or W , H , H ) here.
Open the drawer and get the ♣ key and a cork.
Use the ♣ key here at the door panel.
Open and click the button.
The fans rotate.
Get a second cork at the left side of the bed.
Now you have two corks.
You also have two birds .
Use them here.
There are two ways to place bird 3 and bird 4 .
Either place bird 3 at the second (from left) empty space or at the fourth empty space.
It really does not matter.
There are numbers on other birds too.
So it can be:
From left to right:
5 , 3 , 1 , 4 , 2 or
5 , 4 , 1 , 3 , 2
Once the birds are placed , you can not removed them.
So I choose 5 , 4 , 1 , 3 , 2.
Use these numbers as the sequence of clicking the squares on the cupboard at bottom left of piano.
So if the numbers are (from left to right) 5 ,4 ,1, 3, 2 , then you click on the middle square first , then the right-most square ; followed by the fourth square from the left , etc.
Get the bottle of water from the right side of the cupboard.
Get the third cork from the bottle.
Now you have three corks.
The fourth one is in the tissue box.
Now you have a total of 4 corks.
The tissue box can be turned.
On the left side of the cupboard, there is a safe that requires a key to open.
Use the ♠ key.
Get a drill.
Use the drill to drill holes on those 4 corks.
We still have a bottle of water.
Pour the water into the U tube.
Get the ball with a key inside.
Get the ♦ key.
Use the ♦ key here at the secret panel under the left (looking from the window side) red shelf.
Get the cutter.
Use the cutter to cut the string.
Get the string.
Open the box and get the screwdriver.
Now we have all the parts to build the cart.
1) Tape the two straws to the bottom of the tissue box which should be upsidedown.
2) Insert those sticks from the birds into the straws.
3) Pleace those corks onto the ends of sticks.
4) Attach the string to the front of the cart and apply tape.
5) Turn the cart right-way-up.
Put the cart intom the secret compartment under the left red shelf.
Click on the cart to push it inside the tunnel.
Now the cart is seen under the transparent column on which the puppet sits.
Use the screwdriver to remove the screw from the left of the puppet.
Click on the puppet to lift it up.
Use the cutter to the rod on which the key is hanging.
Now the key is dropped to the cart.
Return to the secret compartment under the left red shelf.
Click to pull the cart out.
Get the ♥ key from the cart.
Click on the nameplate of the key nad reveal RG2Y3.
What is RG2Y3??
Hint: You have seen R , G and Y .
Still don't know??
What is at the piano pedals?
Answer :
R - Red ; G -Green and Y - Yellow.
So RG2Y3 is
R G G Y Y Y (red , green , green , yellow , yellow , yellow).
Use this sequence to click on those piano pedals.
You get the Happy Coin.
You have the ♥ key to open the main door.
Select the ♥ key and click on the door. ESCAPE!
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