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希望會 re-design ヤマト 船身. 2199 ヤマト 有 333M 長因為加大比例, 不是加長度, 變了船身有肥的感覺. ヤマト2199 的 26 集幾好看, 戰鬥場面精彩,但始終不喜歡船身新設計.
The new length of Yamato is 333 m but it is because they increase the scale of the ship but not the actual length of the ship (just scale-up everything) , this makes the ship looks fat. I enjoy the 26 episodes of Yamato 2199 but not the new design of Yamato, a short-looking ship.
新家很不錯喔 !!
ReplyDelete有空也來我家坐坐吧 !!
DeleteXuite 受不受 Google log in??
好像google和yahoo都可以log in
Delete來我家試試囉 !!