Sunday, July 24, 2011


This is a fan without rotating blades. How can this be possible?? It basically relies on the principle of air moving from high pressure to low pressure region. The trick is to create this low pressure region that sucks in air from high pressure region. Rotating blades push air in chunks as the blades rotate and chop the air; and you can feel these chunks of air pounding on you (actually they are not chunks but a swirl-like air flow). This fan does not have any rotating blades and therefore does not chop air, it provides a smooth flow of air. The other advantages of this design are the ease of cleaning (you still have to clean where the air is sucked in by the impeller at the bottom of the fan) and safety. It has been out for a while and rather expensive (between 300 US and 400 US depending on the models).

Although most people would rather buy a conventional fan than paying several hundred dollars for a fan, but this represents using different , better ideas to solve a problem - creativity.

Sir James Dyson , an industrial designer, explains how this fan works in this video:


I totally agree with what Sir James Dyson says in the following:

Dyson says UK must ditch banks to back science

The newly appointed Tory technology star attacked the banks for creating "illusory wealth" and said that the challenge now is to see if "Britain [can] make money from money – or money from making things".

Sir James, at the Conservative Party conference, said scientists needed better financial support, such as further tax incentives, but insisted "cultural changes" were crucial.

Sir James told the party conference that the development of new technologies had been "neglected" and that a "change of policy and of attitude" was needed.

Arguing that the number of patent applications was indicative of the health of business, Sir James said Japan has 19 times more patent applications than Britain, America 13 times more and South Korea seven times more.

He said: "Britain has 58,000 engineering vacancies but produces just 20,000 engineering graduates every year. What do we do? We close down engineering faculties - over 40 in the past decade."

We need to reawaken our innate creativity
and competitive spirit. If we nurture the next generation of scientists and
engineers then Britain can become Europe's hi-tech capital."

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>My thoughts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Many including Hong Kong people are paying too much emphasis on finance (stock, investment) , real estate, etc instead of what really matters - science, engineering and technology. Hong Kong does not invest in techno-creativity nor does the government create any incentives in doing so. She has become a technological blackhole. Even the Chinese government understands that in order to transform China into a truly great country, they have to invest in technology. Currently, China has the fastest commercial trains on this planet - Maglev trains. If Hong Kong developments remain in the same direction and Hong Kong people still carry the same old mentality, she will become irrelevant to China. When one outlives his/her usefulness, (s)he will be discarded.


  1. 大陸老翻大量出產了!
    [版主回覆07/24/2011 20:39:00]APPLE STORE (APPLE STEOR) 都有 假的. 員工以為同緊真的 Apple Store 打工. Apple 好似沒有 comments , 但話會在中國開多些真的 Apple Stores. 看來 Apple 對中國複製蘋果 products 已經麻木了.

  2. 香港轉唔到型架啦, 大家集慣左炒炒炒
    [版主回覆07/25/2011 02:17:00]香港人會變底能. 有錢但樣樣不識, 連燈泡為什麼會發光都不識. 樣樣都要依靠外來的技術. 中, 英文都已經差過以前好多. 真是極為失望...

  3. 我都有呢把風扇 HK$3xxx... 香港有幾多人願意拎錢搞 R&D ar.....0下0下球球聲 有 $$$$ 拎左去抄樓 / 股 la 但我就係呢 D 小數 on 9 佬....偏鐘意自行開發 (我唔係搞家電 , 我做 gift item 的)....
    [版主回覆07/25/2011 16:30:00]
    '有 $$$$ 拎左去抄樓 / 股 la" 日本人民強, 有原因的. 知識才是強的基本. 經濟只是人創. 不是真正的知識. 想問問, 你買這扇時, 知不知道這扇如何吹風出來??

  4. 把 fans 個盒有講 D 風點出 , 如你張圖
    [版主回覆07/27/2011 20:10:00]even 物理描述?? 有好多有錢的. 連 speaker and microphone 如何都不知.  有 problems 時,只識找人修理. 香港一樣,  大 多是外來技術,  要靠人. 知識就是力量.
