Friday, March 20, 2009

President Obama on Jay Leno

President Obama made history again by being the first sitting President appearing on a talk show and Jay Leno was part of that history, beating all other Californian talk show hosts.


What impresses me is how down-to-earth President Obama is (he actually used the word "man" at the end of the sentence as if he is talking to his close friends) . He does not talk like any other politicians. He speaks with his hearts when he talks about the challenging issues facing the US, he also has a great sense of humour. When Jay asked the President if the other guys throw the game during basketball game (i.e. let the President wins, etc), Obama replied "no" ....except when the secret service people are holding their guns. I thought that was funny.

He appears relaxed but still thinks before he speaks, i.e. speaks with his brain unlike his Vice President. It is understandable, any screw-ups on the most popular talk show can cost him  the political capital he is enjoying in his first 59 days in office.

What impresses me the most is when he said the US should INVEST IN ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, instead of having young people working for the finance institutes like most nowadays, they should be studying engineering and science, they should be working as engineers , scientists, teachers and doctors. Obama said that we should REWARD PEOPLE WHO ARE ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTING TO MAKING THINGS AND MAKING LIFE BETTER FOR OTHERS, this will put our  financial system on a solid footing.  I have long been an advocate of this axiom but I am glad that there is actually a politician who mentioned this publically.

He understands that what drives the society forward is real contributions to the society such as engineering and science, not finance.

He also pointed out that what got their financial system into trouble are all legal and this is why the financial system and culture have to be changed. He emphasizes on ethics in Wallstreet. This is what I like about him, as a Democrat, he still carries a sense of duty and ethics, unlike the fake ethics promoted by the Republicans and so called Conservatives.

I have also watched his Q&A sessions at the town hall meetings . Although his answers are still lacking substances , they do boost people's spirit and inspire the audience, this is somethings that a leader needs to do in this unusual difficult time. It is humble for him to say " I am your employee............... I am running for president to solve your problems" (Employee to the people who elected him). I can't recall any president in recent history who is grateful enough to say that. Many CEOs  should learn from Obama on how to be a better leader.

Obama did make one mistake during this interview in my opinion. Obama was describing how he has been improving in his bowling (he is not a good bowler) and he has scored 129, Jay was sarcastically indicating that "that was impressive." . In response with a humour , Obama said:"...it is like the special Olympics......." ; that implies that people are having lower expectation for "physically challenged" athletes in Special Olympics.  I think he will get some reactions from the Special Olympics committee.

It seems to me that this government has simulataneously taken on quite a mountain of challenges, I do not know how many of the problems will be overcome by the end of his first term, but I wish him and his administration the best.



  1. 我覺得佢好慘, 自己叻, 有heart , 但身邊人同事又好, 企業又好都好唔聽話, 配合唔到
    [版主回覆03/20/2009 23:38:00]Presidency is about a team of people making things work for people who elected them; unfortunately, Obama is the representative of the Presidency, anything goes wrong, he will take the blame like any GOOD managers, the bad ones just find some scapegoats in the group and take the blame for him like some typical HK managers.

  2. Happy if Yahoo HK blog worksMarch 21, 2009 at 8:24 AM

    As I predicted, Obama apologised for his comment regarding the Special Olympics.
