Thursday, February 21, 2008

Electronic Contact Lenses 電子隱形眼鏡.

At the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington State, US, a group of researchers demonstrated the first electronic contact lenses. In this demonstration, the electronic circuits were not powered but  it showed that electronic circuits could be deposited on contact lenses. The prototype was used on a rabbit which did not feel any discomfort during the 20 minutes trial.

Electronic circuit with an array of LEDs.


 Electronic contact lens on a rabbit eye.

By depositing LEDs (light emitting diodes) and other supporting circuitries, wearer can view information displayed by the LEDs on these lenses.

Researchers have figured out how to deposite electronic circuits on flexible organic plastic substrate from which most contact lenses are made.

Customised components are made including the LEDs which are about one third (1/3) of a millimeter in diameter. Each electronic component in the circuit is uniquely shaped.

The surface of the lenses is pre-patterned with metallic traces which are used to connect the electronic components and cavities/slots in which the components are to be placed.

The very tiny electronic components are mixed with a solution which is spread on the surface of the lenses. Capillary forces similar to the force that drives water up from the roots of a plant upwards to the leaves, pull each of these tiny components in the solution to the assigned cavity or slot. Only component with the right shape will sit in the slot with a compatible shape.

Later, researchers will deposite power sources such as solar cells onto the lenses to power the circuit. RF wireless receiver will also be deposited to receive data from a RF data transmitter. The circuits are located out of the field of view of the eyes so that they will not disturb normal visions

Applications for these lenses include military (displaying tactical information on soldier's eye lens, much like what Terminator sees on his eyes), gamer or internet surfing, etc.

Electronic micro-lenses can also be made on these lenses to correct wearer's vision.




肥肥沈殿霞與世長辭 part 2

原本知到肥肥過身的新聞, 已經有些傷心. 看完無線廣播的特輯,更加難過, 身為男兒身的我都有些眼水汪汪. 雖然不是肥肥什麼朋友,親戚, 但自小看過肥肥在電視上多年生涯, 她的死訊就如自己親人過身一樣悲痛. 今天我都沒有心情去做玩具新聞 list.

希望娛樂圈會盡力幫助欣宜發展. 我個人覺得欣宜絕對有實力在歌壇上創一番事業; 聲底/唱歌運氣,拉音/hold a note,等已經是好過現在的所謂歌手. 希望肥肥保佑欣宜成功.

希望全世界香港人在他們的心中永遠記住一個笑口棗 - 沈殿霞.


玩具新聞 TOY NEWS 2008 - 21ST February


J-Doll, , ネイフン(de 9 straatjes), 270mm, Jun Planning, 10500円

球体関節人形 愛, Prairie gentian, Jun Planning, 15750円

海上じえいたん, 魔法の海兵隊員ぴくせる☆まりたん, アゾンインター  national, 13,000円

1/8, 「ToHeart2 AnotherDays」ミルファPVC , Wonder festival Event limited, Kotobukiya, 5,250円
(at festival price: 5,000円)


Badboys,  GLARE OF EYES Vol.3 -新生・廣島連合編- box, 95mm,Organic, 6300円

RX-75 Gun Tank , 未塗装組立 kit, B-club, 2,310円


1/144 , 機動戦士ガンダム00, アンフ, B-club, 140mm, 15,540円


Revoltech Star Scream,  Series No.046 , 海洋堂, 1995円



機動警察パトレイバー collection figure,  Part.2 12個set, CM corporation, , 8190円


1/35, Star Wars Corss section 3-D X-WING 簡易組立 kit box, 320mm, Kotobukiya, 26,460円

大怪獣シリーズ 灼熱怪獣 ザンボラー (完成品), X-plus, 9,240円


Revoltech , Yamaguchi series, No48, Jun, 85mm, 全23可動箇所, 海洋堂, 1,995円

Revoltech , Yamaguchi series, No49, Suzuki, 155mm, 全41可動箇所, 海洋堂, 1,995円

Revoltech , Yamaguchi series, No29, KURO (black) Friendshop limited , 155mm, 可動箇所:5箇所 ; 軸可動箇所:14箇所
, 海洋堂, 1,995円


Posted previously

Revoltech , Yamaguchi series, No29, 可動箇所:5箇所 軸可動箇所:14箇所, 海洋堂, 1,995円



閻魔あい Aruta版 (完成品 figure), Aruta, 5,040円

1/8, ヨルズ , 完成品 figure, Aruta, 6,090円



1/8, 桐条美鶴 figure, Aruta, 6,090円